I get Harper's Weekly Review in my inbox, weekly. It's a genius compilation of the week's most prescient, awkward, dark, or hilarious occurrences. Somehow it has been many a week since I've actually read one, and I am currently unemployed so rather than do something useful I am going to peruse all my unread Review articles and share the most interesting things I come across. As happens with the internet, if I read too much from too many sources it all becomes a jumble and I can't remember anything I've done or read for hours.
So this here will hopefully make this endeavor less useless.
July 9th
1. The regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, which was conducting a ten-day offensive on the city of Homs, urged Morsi to recognize that “the overwhelming majority of the Egyptian people reject him.”
2. France and Portugal denied Evo Morales airspace on suspicion he was carrying Edward Snowden.
3. Conservative lawmakers in Costa Rica appealed to President Laura Chinchilla to veto a bill they’d accidentally voted for that modified the Law of Young People to allow gay marriage, and male anti-abortion activists gathered at the Texas State Capitol with signs reading “I regret my abortion.”
4. Biologists determined...that male hawk moths ward off predators through the ultrasonic jiggling of their genitals. http://news.sciencemag.org/2013/07/scienceshot-vibrating-genitals-may-ward-predators?rss=1
5. Students primed with unconscious thoughts of death were found to write funnier New Yorker cartoon captions.
July 16th, 2013
1. George Zimmerman escaped consequences. “The only one who was injured at all, except for the gunshot,” said Zimmerman’s attorney, “was George Zimmerman.” Sigh.http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/07/12/george-zimmerman-defense-trayvon-wasn-t-injured-except-for-the-gunshot.html
2. Texas, Illinois, and North Carolina passed bills restricting abortions and Ireland passed its first ever law legalizing abortion for medical reasons.
3. "Corrections officials in California threatened to punish more than 12,000 prisoners conducting a hunger strike to protest long-term solitary confinement by placing them in solitary confinement."
4. "...the Mexican town of San Agustín Amatengo elected as mayor a man who’d faked his own death."
5. "Police arrested an Ohio man for the fifth time for having sex in public with a rubber pool float, firefighters in Ibiza used a buzzsaw to free the penis of a 51-year-old German tourist from a sex toy..."
(and in other news I spent a week in Colombia's Amazon region with Matthew Dwelly)
July 23rd, 2013
1. Detroit applied for Bankruptcy.
2. The Vatican offered plenary indulgences to the Pope's Twitter followers.
3. "Dubai pardoned a Norwegian woman who had been sentenced to 16 months in
prison for having sex outside of marriage after she was raped on a
business trip."
4. "Virginia attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli
asked the U.S. Supreme Court to consider reinstating the state’s Crimes
Against Nature law, which bans oral and anal sex."
5. "...a shirtless man armed with a loaded pistol and 171 rounds of additional
ammunition was arrested outside the White House. “I was only going to
fire,” he said, “a couple of shots.”