Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chacocente - Our Family

For 3 weeks while working with Chacocente, we stayed with a wonderful family in Tipitapa, about a half hour west of Managua.

Our Family
Left to right: Candida and Santiago (grents), Zeneyda and I
above: Mel, Jess (Zeneyda and Jordan´s Mom), Katy, Jordan, Jess´husband Juan Carlos

Zeneyda´s cousins Diana and Rachel (to my left and right), plus their friend Felix

Me and Diana thuggin´it.

Adorable siblings

Jordan, the baby boy, didn't use words. He responded to anything with either "Baba!" or "Yaya!" and pushed chairs around causing constant cacophany. Always running, falling, getting up and running again...intermittently peeing in random places or sneaking into the shower and turning it on with all his clothes on. He loved high-fives. He is the man.

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