Thursday, August 28, 2008

T-shirt of the Week

There are so many good T-shirts in Central America. The best (or worst) part is, most people don´t even know what their own shirts say. This fellow didn´t. So I get to weird people out by asking to take a picture of their shirt (and some people really do get weirded out, especially girls for some strange reason), but I make up for it by assuring them their shirt is funny, and not because it says something like "I´m an idiot" or "I´m fat." Wait...

Winston Churchill allegedly once said something just like this to a woman at a party. He was wasted (per usual) and some lady told him he was drunk. He replied, ever the gentleman, "Well, you´re ugly. And tomorrow I´ll be sober." (Funny thing is, he probably wouldn´t be)

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